Friday, January 20, 2012

Baby Judah

We got pictures in the mail the other day that the grief specialist took at the hospital of Judah, which I was looking forward to seeing, but at the same time, it was hard to look through them.  The waves of grief washed over us again, and some of the pictures were just really hard to look at.

At the same time it was amazing to be reminded again of how perfectly formed he was.  His little toes and toenails, his fingers, his little shoulders and even his eyebrows that were beginning to grow in... at 21 weeks, he was perfect!  Of course the pictures don't really capture him like I remember, but those memories of how it felt to hold him, touch his fingers, hold his little hand and the feeling of kissing his forehead will be forever imprinted in my mind.

Judah was 12 ounces and 11 1/4 inches long, so I think he would've been tall!  As I've mentioned before, we saw that he had Gabe's chin and face shape and my nose.... he would've been just as handsome as his daddy.  The tears flow even now just knowing we'll never get to see what he would've looked like as he was growing up...

It's good to have these pictures though and just the hope of seeing him in heaven someday.

They gave Judah a few little things to hold in the pictures, which I could've done without, but I think they were trying to help us make a connection with those items they put in his box that we brought home... it's amazing to see his little hands and fingers though!

 We love his little feet!

It is hard to see him like this, but I can't help but think his little face and arms are so adorable...

Again, another prop they gave him... the bear was so small, which just shows how tiny Judah was!

 We love our little Judah!

The Coyles


  1. Dear Allie and Gabe,

    Mom and I love you so much! The pictures of Judah are just so beautiful and precious! We just can't wait to see him someday in heaven! You both have been such a testimony of God's grace!

    We continue to hurt for you and grieve along with you. It was so good being with you in December and then again at the January. We were so blessed to see how the body of Christ came along side you and ministered to you during your time of greatest need. We are so thankful for all those dear brothers and sisters!

    We continue to pray for God's sustaining peace and comfort!

    Love you all so much! You are such a blessing to mom and me and we are so proud of you!

    Mom and Dad

  2. Thank you! We love you too and are so grateful for your support and for making the trips to come see us! Thanks for continuing to pray too! Love you!

  3. These pictures are so precious. Tears are streaming down my face as I look at his perfectly made fingers, toes, face, etc. I'm so glad the hospital had a program like this where they made such a difficult time so special. I have a high school friend who started a program in the Columbus area years ago called "" because of their bad experience when they lost their triplets.
    We love you guys and are continuing to lift you up in prayer.

  4. What an amazing way to capture how precious he was. I am so glad that you were able to get those pictures done of him. We have an organization called "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep"...very similar to the pictures of Judah. I am so thankful that you have shared your journey and allowed us to see a piece of your precious time with Judah....praying for you...

  5. Oh Gabe and Allie,
    Your precious angel is with our Lord. As hard as it must have been humanly, this precious little one was alive and in God's care. You felt him in your womb. Won't it be glorious to see him again in Glory? You will and it will be joyful. Thank you for letting us meet him. God Bless. Love, Jim and Peggy

  6. Gabe and Allie,
    He's beautiful, thank you for sharing such a tender moment!! Tamra Johnson
