Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Amazing Creation- Our Growing Baby

We loved heading to the doctor's to hear of the progress of our growing little one.  It seemed right off the bat we were getting alot of ultrasounds since we couldn't always hear the heartbeat.  We didn't mind since each time we got to take home a set of pictures.

I know it can be hard to make out what you're looking at in an ultrasound, but here are a few of the pictures anyway, along with a few of the growing baby bump!

This was taken the day after we found out... we went with some friends to the Irish Fest and loved carrying this precious secret since we waited to tell people.

8 Weeks... although our baby was the size of pea, we got so excited to see that there was an actual baby that was starting to grow!

Right before my nearly 11 week appointment... I could've sworn there was a baby bump there.  :)

Baby Coyle was laying back just chillin in the womb at the 11 week appointment... we even got a wave!

Thanksgiving was a great time to get together with family. My sister was 9 weeks ahead of me in her 2nd pregnancy and we loved being pregnant at the same time.  I'm so glad we got to capture this time together (I was about 18 weeks).  We were so excited for the cousins to meet!

We couldn't wait for the next appointment where we could find out if we were having a boy or girl.  Since we had already picked out names, we were anxious to finally start calling our baby by name.  It took about 10 minutes into the ultrasound before our, apparently modest, baby decided to show us what he or she was, so we had alot of random shots of how well they were growing while we waited for the baby to move.


 Face and an arm



We finally got to see we were having a boy!  Yep.. there it is!

We both were leaning more towards having a boy first, so we were beyond excited!  We had thought about a few different names, but when we thought of Judah, we immediately knew that's what we wanted to name him.  Judah means "May God be Praised."  From the very beginning, we knew that Judah was ultimately in God's hands.  

I don't know if this is an every soon-to-be-mom thing, but I remember within the first week of finding out we were pregnant I started thinking through those questions of "what if I miscarry?", or "what if something happens to our baby?" I thought through how hard that would be and wondered how I would respond.  Gabe and I talked through it and we just came to the conclusion that our baby was an amazing creation by our great God, and that whatever God allowed to happen throughout the pregnancy was in His perfect plan.  Our desire was that, like Judah's name reflected, that God would be praised no matter what. 

I think having those conversations really helped prepare us for what was ahead.... even though we had no idea what was going to happen.  It's still hard to wrap my head around everything the past three weeks.  Going through the ultrasound pictures today reminded me of how intricately made Judah was and how completely precious it was to have this amazing life inside of me.  I still question why, but also know that I may never know... and I have to be okay with that and trust fully that God is good and loving.  The Creator of the Universe, who created Judah, has a perfect plan, and that brings great peace and healing in this loss.  Our continued prayer in this whole situation is that God is praised.

The Coyles


  1. What a testimony. I praise God that you have the strength to write this and this incredible attitude. So, your continued prayer is being answered so far.

  2. I absolutely love that you started blogging. I will continue to read (and cry!) through all of it. You guys are such strong folk and I just continue to pray for your hearts and healing. Hope we can get together sometime in the near future.


  3. Thanks so much Sonja for your encouragement!

    Thanks for grieving and praying with us during this process Lauren! We would love to get together with you guys!
