Friday, January 3, 2014

Our New Year's Eve Surprise!

Well, life has been a whirlwind the past few days!  We went in to an appointment to get a version on December 31st and ended up with a baby!  I thought I'd fill you all in on what happened since so many of you were praying for that appointment…

Gabe and I got up early on Tuesday to head to my appointment for the ECV (External Cephalic Version) where the doctor will manually try to turn a breech baby.  We knew, from my 36 week appointment, that there was a chance they wouldn't even be able to attempt the version because my amniotic fluid was lower than normal.  The normal range is between 5 and 25, and I was below a 5.  My doctor said we could go ahead and schedule one to see if over the next few days my fluids would increase, but that we should be prepared to be sent home if the ultrasound showed still low levels.  She also said that if my levels were at a 3 or under, she would probably suggest a c-section soon due to the dangers it could cause.

Everything with the ultrasound showed that our little girl was doing great and completely healthy.  The ultrasound technician then told us that the fluid was low and that she was going to talk with the doctor.  We waited in the room talking about how crazy it would be if we had to have a c-section soon after.  It was funny because the night before Gabe had just finished putting together the glider for the nursery.  We stepped back and took a look around and said, "well, everything's ready so she could come at any time!"  While we waited, we thought about how perfect the timing was if she really needed to be delivered.

The doctor came in and told us that my fluid levels were under 2, and that he was going to call my OB to get her opinion.  After going to the waiting room to hear what the next steps were, he came out and told us my OB wanted us to head up to Labor and Delivery… our baby was going to be born that day!

We were so surprised, but really just so excited at the same time knowing we would soon meet our little one!  We could rest in the fact that she was totally healthy and, at 37 weeks, she would be okay if she was born.  Our little girl was going to be a New Year's Eve baby and the best way to end 2013!

I was still a little nervous about getting a c-section, but really just anxious to meet the little one we had waited and prayed so long for… she was just a few hours away!  We were told that the surgery would start at noon and I was prepped.  It was great to have a few hours to ourselves and Gabe and I talked about how these were the last few hours as "just us" and how excited we were… it all seemed so surreal.

The worst part for me about the c-section was the epidural.  For whatever reason, it completely freaks me out and is one of the most painful shots.  While I was getting it, which seemed like it took forever as the aesthetician was training the person doing it on how to do it, I kept thinking how so soon we would be able to meet our little girl and that made it all worth it.

Once I was numb from the waist down, my cerclage stitch was removed.  I saw Gabe enter the room all dressed up in his scrubs and tears flooded my eyes.  This wave of emotions hit me as I thought through our loss of Judah, the 14 months of trying to get pregnant, the countless prayers during the pregnancy and the fact that in a few minutes, I would celebrate this new life with the love of my life.  It was completely overwhelming.

Gabe and I talked as I felt slight tugging and pressure on my stomach and within about 15 minutes, we were told that she was out and heard her cry for the first time!  Gabe was called over to watch her get cleaned up and I kept hearing nurses and Gabe saying how beautiful she was.  I couldn't wait to see her!

Gabe finally was able to bring her over to me and we both cried as we held our little girl.  Ava Brielle was truly such an incredible gift and an absolute miracle!

We chose her name because we loved the name Ava and its meaning.  It means "song" or "life" and we felt she was both to us.  Brielle was chosen as her middle name because it means "of God."  We want her life to be a reflection of God and also feel that she is a song of God.  It reminds me of Zephaniah 3:17, "The Lord Your God is with you.  The Mighty Warrior who saves.  He will take great delight in you… [He] will rejoice over you with singing."  We feel God is singing over her little life!

Ava was born at 1:30 in the afternoon, weighing in at 6lbs 13oz and measuring 18.5 inches long.  Her full head of dark hair is beautiful, and we think she has my nose and Gabe's face shape.  We are so in love with her and are soaking in every minute we get to spend with her here in the hospital.

Because of the c-section, we'll be in the hospital the full four days and are planning on leaving tomorrow (Saturday) at some point after my staples are removed.  Recovery will be a long journey over the next 6 weeks, where I'll really have to lay low, but I'm looking forward to snuggling up with Ava during these cold months and just enjoying hanging out with my beautiful daughter.

Gabe has already been an amazing dad… I can't say enough great things about the man I married.  He's such a natural with Ava as he sings to her, has "the bounce" down to stop her from crying and has been such an encouragement and help to me.  Right now he's home cleaning the loft to get everything ready for our arrival… how blessed am I?!  He's such a loving servant and I feel privileged to be married to him.  I'm so excited to begin this journey of parenting with him and watching together as our little Ava grows!

Okay, well, this quick update has gotten a little longer than expected, but I wanted to fill you in on what's been going on!

We love you all and again, can't thank you enough for your care, support, encouragement and prayers!!!  We can't wait to have Ava meet you!

The Coyles


  1. Congratulations Coyles! I hope we can meet Ava soon.

  2. Thanks for the update! So excited to "hear" about her arrival that day, many prayers answered, and a miracle of life birthed. Enjoy these days!!
