Saturday, December 28, 2013

Praying for a Little Miracle

This past Thursday (Gabe's birthday) we headed into my 36 week doctors appointment filled with excitement.  We were excited to see our little girl on the monitor, to hear how she was doing and to finish up the last progesterone injection (a shot I've been getting each week since 20 weeks).  It was a day that felt like a huge milestone and we couldn't wait.

We eagerly awaited to see her image pop up on the monitor and once it did, we learned that our little one was breech.  My heart sunk.  We asked what that meant for delivery and when the technician said it most likely meant having a c-section, I wanted to cry.

In many cases, she went on to say, the baby will turn on its own.  But, the issue in our case is that the fluid around her is below the normal amount and with less fluid, it's harder for the babies to turn on their own.  They simply get stuck in that position and so a c-section is the safest and best option.

We went on with the ultrasound and were thrilled to hear her growth is right on track.  She weighs about 6 pounds and even has a little hair on her head!  All of her vitals looked good and, of course, we were so thankful to know that she is doing well and is healthy!!

After talking more with my doctor about her fluid levels and the options for avoiding the c-section, we found that an external cephalic version could be a way to turn her around.  Gabe and I both felt that if there's any option for avoiding a c-section; we want to try!

At some point next week, I'll go in for the procedure.  They'll first do an ultrasound to see her positioning in the womb, how much fluid is around her and where her umbilical cord is located.  If there isn't enough fluid, they won't even attempt the procedure.  And, if there's even less fluid where it could be dangerous for her, they would have to do a c-section soon after.  If everything looks good to move forward with the version, there's a little over 50% chance it will work.  Sometimes the baby is just too stubborn to move!  (I think it'll be very telling to see who she takes after… :)  )

My doctor recommended the best thing to do is try to get the fluid levels up by laying on my side a lot and drinking lots of water… so that's what I've been doing.

Yesterday was really a rough day.  I read a lot on c-sections and the pros and cons.  I know many women have gone through them and there are some positive aspects of them, but for me, it's been a lot to process through.

I know it's healthier to deliver naturally as there are certain bacteria that helps the baby when going through the birthing process.  I think too I subconsciously want to go through the delivery process to redeem some of those memories of delivering Judah.  I want to have that positive delivery experience where we're anticipating each contraction and sensing the excitement of her arrival.  Where I can hold her right away and be in the cozy setting of a birthing room.  Instead, we'll be in a cold operating room, where (hopefully) Gabe will be allowed to be with me, and where I probably won't be able to hold our little one right away.  I'll then spend time in the recovery room instead of just being able to focus all my attention on our little girl.

It also gets more complicated knowing I'll be having my cerclage stitch removed this coming Friday.  At that point, I could go into labor at any time… which was really exciting to me, but now makes me nervous knowing a c-section would be the result.

All of these thoughts kept going through my head yesterday and with my already oh-so-lovely pregnancy hormones and feeling completely exhausted… I laid on the couch and felt defeated.

We're so close and yet, there's another hurdle to cross…

I prayed a lot yesterday that she would miraculously turn on her own, that she'll have enough fluid that the doctors could do the version procedure, that I would stay focused on how far we've already come and that I would have a larger perspective on what God is doing.

As I woke up this morning and felt her wiggle around, I was hit with the overwhelming question that I felt God was asking me…  "Do you trust me?"  I know that's what it comes down to.

Do I trust that God is completely in control of this situation, whether I have to have a c-section or not?  Do I trust He's not going to leave us hanging on this journey that He's so faithfully been with us on until this point?  And the more I thought about it, the more I felt His peace.

We are still so excited to meet our little girl… no matter how she gets here.  We're still amazed at the miracle of conception and being able to carry a baby this far into pregnancy.  We're still overwhelmed and excited at the thought of being parents and starting our family.  We're still so thankful…

So our prayer is that we'll continue to trust that whatever happens, God's in control.  But we're also praying for a little miracle… that there would be enough fluid for her to turn on her own or be turned by the procedure next week.

Thanks for continuing on with us throughout this journey and for your prayers!

The Coyles

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