Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Movin on Up...

... up north, that is!  Yes, we're moving again.  At least this move is just a five minute drive from where we are now.  I'm hoping that this moving once a year thing won't become a trend, and in light of where we're moving and why; I think we'll be able to settle in for a little while.

When we moved to Kansas City a year ago, we thought we'd just be here two years and chose a place in Midtown/Old Hyde Park so that we were close to the heart of downtown while still not paying a ton in rent and could be close enough to the highway so Gabe could drive out to Leawood everyday.  Now that Gabe is the campus pastor for our downtown campus at Christ Community, we've felt the need to move in to the heart of downtown closer to where the church campus would be.

We started looking in the Crossroads District of KC, which is where we're looking at permanent locations for the campus, but quickly realized this meant our rent would double.  We began to pray about our options...  A few weeks later, a couple from Christ Community approached us about an opportunity.  They had been wanting to buy a condo in the Crossroads for some time as a place to move after retirement.  Since the market has been so great for buyers, they knew that buying now would be a smart decision.  They asked us if we would want to rent from them if they bought a condo in the Crossroads, and this gracious couple offered it at about what we're paying now!

We were beyond excited!  This was such a huge answer to prayer and gave us the opportunity to live in this community where we could get to know neighbors, local business owners... and give them the option of having a church right in their community!

Since before we got married, almost 2 years ago, this has been a passion in both of our hearts.  We saw ourselves in an urban environment, serving at a church, and getting involved in the community through relationships, volunteering and offering a place for people to interact with the gospel.  We feel so content that we're right where we should be!

I was thinking the other day about the journey God has brought us on this past year... it's been a non stop roller coaster.  Here's a quick overview:

- Gabe graduated from seminary
- We moved from Chicago to Kansas City
- We dropped off our stuff and flew to Italy for a once in a lifetime trip with Gabe's parents
- Gabe started the Fellowship program at Christ Community
- I started working from home as a freelance writer and pursuing my photography
- We got pregnant
- We had endless events and dinners throughout the summer and fall as part of the fellowship program
- We traveled home for Thanksgiving
- Found out we were having a boy
- Were in and out of the hospital for two weeks
- Lost our precious Judah on December 23
- Grieved through Christmas and New Years
- Had a Memorial for Judah
- Gabe accepted the position as downtown campus pastor
- We attended two training retreats for church planters
- Began focusing on serving full time at the downtown campus
- Gabe took over heading up the search for our campus space
- We found out we would be moving to the Crossroads
- We had our first Sunday at the Screenland Theaters in the Crossroads for the summer
- Gabe is continuing to work with the building team to secure a permanent location in the Crossroads
- We are starting to pack up
- Gabe is performing his first wedding this weekend
- I'll be shooting a different wedding the same day
- We'll have our 2 year anniversary on June 4
- We'll move into the Crossroads!

Whew!  It's been a full year!  All that to say, looking back it's been so neat to see how God has been orchestrating our lives.  We wouldn't have chosen some of the things we went through this past year, but we continually trust in God's ultimate plan.

The next month is going to be busy, but we're keeping the finish line of being settled in our new home at the forefront of our mind.  We are so excited for this next step in our lives... not so excited about packing.  :)

Thanks, as always, for your prayers and support in our lives!  We know that without our friends and family we never would've gotten through this past year!

The Coyles

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